Murray High’s annual Career Day helps students with future plans
Nov 24, 2020 02:45PM ● By Ryanne Riet
Murray High School students participate in this year’s virtual Career Day.
By Ryanne Riet | [email protected]
Fifteen years ago Murray High was the first high school in the county to conduct an in-depth Career Day for their students.
“This year is a bit different,” work-based learning coordinator Brady Smith said, “we are doing our Career Day at MHS virtually.”
Students start their day by completing a career interest survey. This allows students to see where their interests stand when it comes to their future careers, and to see which professionals they want to learn from during Career Day.
Some students know which career fields they are interested in, and some are not quite sure where their skills and interests lie when it comes to choosing a career path.
“If it’s anything like when you and I were in school you know that it can be hard to know where to begin,” Smith said.
Over the years, many businesses and professionals from different fields have donated their time to come into the high school and speak to the students. Current and past professional Murray High School Career Day speakers include: doctors, attorneys, actors, dietitians, firefighters, helicopter pilots, military officers, and even a Murray High alum YouTuber.
This year, the students logged on to watch prerecorded videos from professionals talking about their fields.
Local businesses in the community such as FiiZ, Chick-fil-A, Jimmy John’s, Little Caesars, and Roxberry have donated items for the student raffle to encourage students to take part in this year’s virtual event.
“I’m really psyched that these businesses have donated to reinforce this positive choice by students to participate in this virtual Career Day,” Smith said.
Career Day is not limited to just Murray High. Hillcrest Jr. High and Riverview Jr. High are also involved.
“The earlier a student gets involved with learning about different careers, the better off they will be when graduation rolls around,” Smith said.